The dad-of-three Vin Diesel happily goofed around with his daughter Hania and Vincent as they packed a playful punch on the red carpet

The dad-of-three Vin Diesel happily goofed around with his daughter Hania and Vincent as they packed a playful punch on the red carpet He’s best kпowп for playiпg the toυgh gυy iп actioп movies The Fast Aпd The Fυrioυs aпd The Chroпicles Of Riddick. Bυt Viп Diesel let his soft side show at the Hollywood premiere of Gυardiaпs … Read more

Vin Diesel Used His ‘Tokyo Drift’ Cameo To Barter for His Passion Project

Vin Diesel Used His ‘Tokyo Drift’ Cameo To Barter for His Passion Project Vin Diesel’s passion for the Riddick character led him to take significant risks, including leveraging his own house, to ensure the continuation of the franchise. Diesel’s involvement in the Fast and Furious franchise, starting with his cameo in Tokyo Drift, allowed him to shape the … Read more

Paul Walker’s Brother Gets Real About How Vin Diesel And The Fast And Furious Cast Showed Up For Their Family After The Actor’s Death

Paul Walker’s Brother Gets Real About How Vin Diesel And The Fast And Furious Cast Showed Up For Their Family After The Actor’s Death he Fast & Furious franchise continues to roar right along its cinematic road and, as it does so, a number of fans still miss Paul Walker, the beloved former lead of the series. … Read more